Want to work with My Kitchen Drawer?
My Kitchen Drawer is a Baking Blog, featuring recipes for all my recent baking creations. From time to time it will also feature some baking advice and tips from myself.
My Kitchen Drawer is a blog open to Sponsored Posts, Products to Review, Collaborations and Event Launches for sharing with the baking and blogging community. If you are a brand or PR company who feels My Kitchen Drawer is well matched with your business and would like to collaborate then please email mykitchendrawer@hotmail.co.uk.
If you would like to work on a sponsored post, please email to discuss terms and content! They will be written 100% by myself, and will work with you on details.
Content & Plagarism:
All written and photographic material unless stated otherwise is original content produced by me to inspire my readers. If any imagery or content found on My Kitchen Drawer is used without consent or permission, action will be taken.
If you would like you use any of my material, cite or quote me, email me on mykitchendrawer@hotmail.co.uk
This policy is subject to change at any time.